LaMarche Safranko Law offers a trunk full of Halloween treats to the South End Children’s Cafe Program Youth.
“We wanted to participate in providing the children who attend the South End Children’s Cafe with a safe and fun-filled Halloween experience. We were so excited to see all the costumes and to see the smiles on their faces,” shared Lily Killar, attorney at LaMarche Safranko Law and South End Children’s Cafe board member.
The South End Children’s Cafe was established in 2015 to impact food security, address food equity and justice, enhance academic success, and positively influence the physical and mental well-being of children by offering free healthy meals, help with homework, and a wide variety of enrichment and recreation activities.

Andy attended the 24th Annual Sidney Albert Albany Jewish Community Center Pillars of the Community Awards at Congregation Beth Emeth and was proud to present this years award to his good friends, Michael and Melissa Lurie. Congratulations to all the past and present Pillars of the community award recipients.
Photo by Joe Putrock/Special to the Times Union
LaMarche Safranko Law joined the Fill the Truck Challenge! Our mission is to give back to our community and help those in need. The Food Pantries are the main source of funding for 70 local food pantries in the Capital Region.
Watch Andrew’s interview with WTEN Ryan Peterson as they discuss the Juul Labs settlement to pay almost 113 million dollars to New York State for false and misleading advertising about vaping.