Nursing Home Negligence Attorneys | Lawyers for the Injured

Nursing Home Negligence2022-07-20T14:20:07+00:00

Personal Injury Lawyers Criminal Defense Attorneys Albany NY

Experienced Attorneys / Lawyers for your Negligence Claim

Nursing home, assisted living, and group home negligence affects thousands of individuals every year, resulting in serious injuries and sometimes death. At LaMarche Safranko Law, our attorneys believe we have a responsibility to ensure that our elderly and medically fragile are being treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions about Nursing Home Negligence

Our personal injury lawyers provide answers to some important questions below.

What is nursing home neglect?2020-07-09T18:25:43+00:00

Neglect is a type of abuse committed against a resident living in a facility such as a nursing home, assisted living facility, or group home.  With respect to the elderly, the term “elder abuse” is used, however, residential facilities also care for individuals with chronic health conditions, such as traumatic brain injuries, tracheostomies, dementia, or those with intellectual disabilities, who can be of any age. Nursing home abuse and neglect occurs when a caregiver provides substandard care to a resident resulting in harm to the resident.

If I am in immediate need of help, what should I do? How do I report neglect?2020-11-18T16:07:02+00:00

If a loved one is the victim of nursing home neglect, it is essential to act immediately. The first step is to report the suspected abuse to the facility’s administration. If the issues you have identified are not being remedied after addressing them with the administrators and staff at the specific facility there are several avenues you can consider. If a resident is in immediate physical danger or in danger of developing serious health issues, the local police or paramedics should be called to remove the resident and bring him or her to a safe location such as hospital or a different care facility. If any laws have been broken, the police will conduct a criminal investigation. Additionally, the New York State Department of Health maintains a Nursing Home Complaint Hotline that can be called 24 hours a day, seven days per week, at 1-888-201-4563. Written complaints can also be submitted to the New York State Department of Health online. In less urgent circumstances, the local ombudsman can be contacted. Ombudsmen serve as advocates for adults in nursing home and other long-term care facilities.

How do I remove a loved one from a negligent or abusive nursing home?2020-07-09T18:24:57+00:00

Before removing a loved one from a facility, it is important to make alternative arrangements for their care. Some options include moving the resident to another nursing home, finding a home-health service, or hiring a live-in nurse, if possible.

How can we prove that a nursing home was negligent?2020-11-18T16:05:57+00:00

In order to prove negligence, the law requires that the injured person or their legal representative, first show that the caretaker or the facility that caused him or her an injury owed a duty of care. A duty of care can either be something that is required by the law when it is written in a statute or regulation or be established by looking at what is expected of a reasonable person or facility under the circumstances. Once it is shown that the caretaker had a responsibility to follow a certain regulation or to provide a certain level of care, the plaintiff then must prove that the caretaker or facility failed to do what they were supposed to do. Next, the plaintiff must show that that as a result of the caretaker’s or facility’s conduct that such behavior was the cause of the resident’s injuries. For example, if a facility is aware that your loved one is at risk for falling and fails to take reasonable precautions to prevent such a fall, resulting in your loved one falling and breaking a bone such as their hip, leg or arm, or sustaining a head injury, the elements likely exist to pursue a negligence claim.

Should I get a copy of my loved one’s medical records to prove the negligence of the nursing home?2020-07-09T18:22:53+00:00

Yes. Medical records are often one of the most important pieces of evidence in any lawsuit where an injury has been suffered and are essential for any attorney to review in determining whether a case for nursing home negligence should be pursued.

How do I get a copy of the medical records?2020-07-09T18:22:23+00:00

Your family member’s medical records are protected by HIPAA, a privacy law. In order to request medical records, your loved one must either sign a HIPAA authorization form allowing either you or their attorney to obtain the medical records, or you may do so yourself if you are an authorized personal representative. Following the submission of a HIPAA compliant request, a nursing home must promptly release your loved one’s records. If you are experiencing any issue in receiving medical records from a nursing home, you should consult with an attorney to find out your next steps.

Will I have to go to court to resolve a claim of nursing home negligence?2020-09-18T16:16:44+00:00

Every case is unique and the outcome of the case depends on many different factors. In some instances, a case may settle prior to the filing of any formal lawsuit if a nursing home’s liability and the injuries suffered are clear. In other instances, pretrial work such as the exchange of discovery, depositions, and expert disclosure will need to occur which can take several months. If a case is unable to be resolved by way of a settlement, then the case would proceed to trial which can take anywhere from 1 to 2 years or longer in some instances.  More information regarding how long a personal injury case can take can be found here.

Can my loved one be compensated for injuries caused at a nursing home?2020-07-09T18:21:24+00:00

Yes. There are two types of damages that can be paid to someone who is injured at a nursing home, assisted living facility, or group home. Legally, these damages are known as economic damages and noneconomic damages. Economic damages are financial losses including medical expenses due to the harm or injury suffered. Noneconomic damages include the pain, suffering, and emotional distress caused as a result of the poor care received by your loved one.

What are some signs of nursing home abuse?2020-07-09T18:20:57+00:00

Signs of abuse and neglect can include physical injuries such as unusual or recurrent bruises or broken bones; unexplained falls; bedsores; dehydration or malnourishment; or poor hygiene. It’s important to watch for signs of emotional, psychological or even sexual abuse including seclusion or isolation, withdrawal, fear, crying or other unusual behaviors.

What are the “Stages” of bed sores?2020-07-09T18:20:28+00:00

Medical professionals use a 4 stage scale to describe and monitor pressure sores, also called bed sores, pressure ulcers, decubitus ulcers, or pressure wounds. By categorizing pressure sores according to standardized characteristics, there can be a sense of uniformity among medical facilities that treat people with pressure ulcers. Bed sores are categorized based on their severity, with Stage 1 being the lowest and Stage 4 being the most serious. Below is an outline of the 4 stages of bed sores:

  • Stage 1 pressure ulcers are pressure sores that cause persistent areas of red skin that may itch or hurt and feel warm to the touch. In those with darker skin, the mark may appear to have a blue or purple color to it. Stage 1 wounds are superficial and go away shortly after the pressure is relieved.
  • Stage 2 pressure ulcers occur when some skin loss to the most outer layers of skin is present. The wound can look like a blister or abrasion. The skin surrounding the wound may be red or purple. If treated promptly, stage 2 pressure ulcers can heal fairly quickly.
  • Stage 3 pressure ulcers occur when the pressure damage to the skin extends to the deepest levels of skin and often looks deep and crater like.
  • Stage 4 is the most serious type of pressure ulcer and has advanced to the point of damaging muscle, bone, or other support structures like tendons and joints. Wounds that have developed to this stage because of persistent pressure can be extremely difficult to heal and can lead to lethal infections.

Pressure ulcers can also be categorized as unstageable, where the wound is covered in dead tissue and it is unclear just how advanced the wound is. In this situation a medical procedure is usually necessary to remove the dead tissue to determine the extent of the involvement of skin, muscle, or bone.

Is medicare or medicaid entitled to a portion of what is recovered from a nursing home negligence lawsuit?2020-07-09T18:19:03+00:00

Yes. If Medicare or Medicaid has paid any medical expenses on behalf of the injured individual, they are entitled to be reimbursed for those expenses. The law imposes a Medicare and/or Medicaid “lien” on all injury-related cases involving recovery from a negligent caretaker or facility.

How does the attorney get paid in a nursing home negligence case?2020-09-18T16:09:43+00:00

Most attorneys handle nursing home negligence or wrongful death cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning the attorney does not get paid unless your case is settled or wins a verdict in court. Most attorneys do not charge for an initial consultation.

How long do I have to file a lawsuit against a nursing home?2020-07-09T18:17:14+00:00

The time limit for filing a lawsuit is governed by what is known as the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations for a negligence case in New York is 3 years from the date of the incident. The statute of limitations for wrongful death in New York is 2 years from the date of death. The statute of limitations for medical malpractice in New York is 2 years and 6 months from the date of negligent act. It is important to discuss the specific facts and circumstances of your case with an experienced attorney who can ensure that you do not miss the statute of limitations. If you fail to file an action within the time frame required by law, your right to file a claim may be lost forever. Facilities owned by New York State, a County, or any other municipal entity have special requirements which shorten the statute of limitations, so it is important that you don’t delay contacting a lawyer to ensure you preserve the right to pursue any claims you may have.

Timeline of a Personal Injury Case

Recent Verdicts & Settlements

Wrongful Death
Plaintiff, a 49-year-old man, was discharged from the hospital with critically low levels of potassium, which precipitated a fatal arrhythmia at home and subsequently caused his death. His family brought a claim against the hospital for medical negligence and wrongful death.


Bicycle Accident
Plaintiff suffered two dislocated shoulders and a dislocated elbow after he was struck by a vehicle, which negligently swerved onto the shoulder and into the bike lane.


Automobile Accident
Plaintiff was a passenger in a vehicle which went off the road and rolled over, causing him to suffer significant permanent injuries, including skull fracture; fractured mandible requiring surgical placement of plates and screws; facial fractures and lacerations; sternal fracture; spinal fractures; lacerations to spleen, liver and lung; multiple rib and toe fractures; tinnitus and hearing loss; post-traumatic stress disorder; facial scarring and numbness.


Worksite Injury
Plaintiff, a roofing contractor, suffered a fractured skull, cervical spine fracture and fractured ribs after falling from a roof. The injuries left him with chronic pain and fatigue, limited tolerance for walking, lifting, or carrying and limitations in his hearing and vision.


Medical Negligence
Plaintiff suffered injuries as a result of negligent monitoring of prescription medication.


Farm/Tractor Accident
The infant plaintiff fell from a tractor being operated by a farm employee and was run over by the tractor. The 10-year-old boy suffered a femur fracture requiring surgery, multiple facial fractures requiring surgery, foot and toe fractures and loss of consciousness.


Negligent Assault
Plaintiff was assaulted outside of a bar in Saratoga and as a result suffered a traumatic brain injury, a fractured skull, brain swelling and brain bleeding, facial contusions and bleeding, as well as lacerations and bruises on his body.  He also suffered from short and long term memory deficits and other cognitive deficits.


Worksite Injury
Plaintiff was an ironworker who was injured when he fell from a ladder, suffering fractures to both elbows resulting in permanent loss of strength and loss of range of motion in both arms. His impairment limited the number and types of employment opportunities and limited his future earning potential.


Nursing Home Negligence
An 87-year-old man was discharged from a local hospital on the afternoon of his death and returned to his assisted living facility. His health began to deteriorate throughout that evening; a nurse was told to check on him but never did. Facility staff found him unconscious on the floor in his room later that evening; paramedics were unable to revive him. It was claimed that the facility failed to obtain appropriate medical advice, assistance and treatment.


Federal Employers Liability Act/FELA
Plaintiff suffered a significant back injury while working for CSX.


Worksite Injury
Plaintiff was injured when a fork from a forklift truck fell on top of his left leg, severely fracturing the tibia and fibula, requiring numerous surgeries and resulting in a permanent, partial loss of use of his leg.


* Prior results do not guarantee future outcomes.

LaMarche Safranko Law Testimonials

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Vicki Testimonial Transcript
Well, I met George in 2014. My son was arrested for a criminal offense, and George—he has this ability, it’s just who he is. He’s genuinely empathetic and he’s very compassionate and he has the ability to just make you feel safe. You know? I just always felt I was in great hands and my son was in good hands and that we would have a good outcome of our situation and we always have. And he’s brilliant. He’s a brilliant lawyer. He’s very skilled and very creative. He has excellent rapport with all the judges and DAs and officials, and he’s always found a rehabilitative outcome for my son which I genuinely appreciate.

Laurie Testimonial Transcript
George was referred to me by my estate attorney. They go way back and it was a great referral, I don’t think I could have done any better, it was a very good match for me. Something that was really really instrumental in the whole thing was George keeping us up-to-date on what was going on and very much included. I was invited to be at all the depositions if I wanted to be and he gave me all the written depositions to read through, so I was always up-to-date on what was going on and I felt like a part of the process. I would definitely recommend George to other people. In fact, about 2 weeks ago I did. A friend of mine was in a pedestrian car accident, she was the pedestrian and is in pretty rough shape, and he was the first person I thought of so I actually asked him if it would be in his purview and he said yes. And I know that she’s very happy with him so far.

Jules Testimonial Transcript
What brought me to the firm was a personal incident where Andrew was recommended to me very highly by a family friend who’s also an attorney, and Andrew represented me to great satisfaction in that case. What impressed me the most about Andrew was his direct straightforward approach, and he has this incredible way of setting you at ease and yet telling you the good and the bad of a situation. I felt that he was very much a straight shooter and lived up to the reputation that preceded him. I would recommend them and Andrew Safranko to anybody in the world. They’re just that class of a group of people.

Chuck Testimonial Transcript
Well, I came to LaMarche Safranko Law because I knew Andy was here and he’s helped me in the past and I just feel so comfortable coming to him because you know you’re going to get the best outcome that you can get in a criminal law field. He’s done such a fabulous job for me and I’ve seen what he does for me, so I’m sure he’ll do the same—put out the same effort and energy and zeal it takes to win their case like he has mine. I would feel very comfortable recommending him.

“I can honestly say that the best decision I’ve ever made was retaining George LaMarche as my attorney. I was in a situation where everything wasat risk; my career, livelihood, and the ability to provide for my family. In desperation, I contacted over a dozen attorneys. The majority of the lawyers I spoke with promised results without seeing paperwork or knowing valuable facts….

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A client from Albany, NY

“My family and I cannot thank George and his staff enough for all of the support and guidance they have given us over the past six months. Anyone who has ever suffered a personal injury knows how difficult they are to overcome, but I’m glad we had such an intelligent and hardworking attorney on our side so I could focus on my recovery rather than on the details of the case….

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A personal injury client from Waterford, NY

“Dear Mr. Safranko,

Thank You so much for answering my question, and so expediently!

The dedication, respect, and consideration with which you treat your clients, current and past, is remarkable. It is why I reached out to you when searching in my time of need, and why I would highly recommend…

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A client from Albany, NY

“I cannot thank George E. LaMarche lll and his team for the excellent legal work they provided for my son, and in extension, our entire family. His experience, knowledge of the law, networking ability and communication is second to none. In our case, our son was wrongly accused by a small town police officer and charged with 5 tickets…

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A client from Altamont, NY

“Throughout the attorney client relationship regarding my personal injury lawsuit, George and his staff continually exhibited tremendous amounts of legal knowledge, skill, and a vast amount of expert resources that ultimately resulted in a final judgment in my favor.  George was there every step of the way to explain where we stood and what to expect next and there was never a need to question his professional judgment…

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A client from Troy, NY

“The arrest of my husband in 2008 was an extremely difficult and emotional time for our family. The arrest turned our lives upside down. It was sudden and unexpected and had tragic emotional as well as financial consequences. I had no idea what to do under the circumstances….

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A client from Upstate New York

“Dear Andrew and George,

I cannot thank you enough for your hard work, diligence, and selfless manner that you put towards my legal difficulties in Colonie. From the first moment I met you, you helped reassure me that things were going to turn out in a more favorable manner than I originally thought. Clearly, the final result of my court case displays the quality of time and work that you put into this….

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A client from Colonie, NY

“I am an attorney who found himself in the middle of a serious, personal legal matter that compromised not only my personal life but my professional life as well. I immediately contacted Andrew (Andy) Safranko, Esq. Andy worked tirelessly and extremely hard to bring my legal situation to a very favorable resolution. In so doing, Andy not only saved certain aspects of my personal and professional life

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Anonymous Attorney from Albany, NY

“Dear George, Andy and Staff,

Thank you all for your kindness and all your help in getting back to my wellbeing and life.  I could not have done it without you all.  Everything is going so well again.  I recommend you highly. Thanks Again!”

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A client from Troy, NY

“Dear Andy,

Thank you so much for everything you have done for our son over the last three years.  This has been a very challenging time for our family and the knowledge that our son has an attorney as capable and amazing as you are has given us peace of mind!

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Parents of a client from Cropseyville, NY

“No one likes to be in a bad situation, but if you need a lawyer George is your man. Not only does he point you in the right direction he offers good advice for your future. As much as we bring him business he does not encourage that next time anticipation….

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A client from Albany, NY

“I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your excellent representation on my recent matter. I have worked with lawyers, and in law firms much of my professional life, but I have never encountered the rare mix of skill, integrity and humanity in one individual—you….

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A client from Rensselaer, NY

“I wanted to express my deepest appreciation to Mr. Andrew Safranko for the exceptional job he did in regards to my legal representation. Mr. Safranko displayed the utmost in professionalism and discretion during the entire court process, and took the time to explain each and every step….

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A client from Schenectady, NY

“The staff at LaMarche Safranko Law took care of  whatever I needed, it was just fabulous. It was top shelf, if I called, I got George. If he was in a meeting, they left him a message. He called me right back after the meeting. Everybody was very courteous and very nice there. If I left a voicemail, everybody got back to me quickly. The level of service  was very, very good and I would Highly recommend them.”

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A personal injury client from Cohoes, NY
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