
29 06, 2020

What is stalking in the 4th degree?

2020-09-25T16:49:03+00:00June 29th, 2020||

Stalking in the 4th Degree is when a person intentionally, and for no legitimate purpose, engages in a course of conduct directed at someone, and knows or reasonably should know that the [...]

29 06, 2020

What do these stalking terms mean?

2020-06-29T11:14:20+00:00June 29th, 2020||

Stalking charges require an understanding of three very important things: “No legitimate purpose”; “Course of conduct”; and “Know or reasonably should know”.  These are critical aspects to any Stalking charge.  You may [...]

29 06, 2020

What is stalking in the 3rd degree?

2020-09-25T16:50:14+00:00June 29th, 2020||

Stalking at this degree builds on many of the same conditions contained in the Stalking in the 4th Degree charge.  A charge of Stalking in the 4th Degree becomes a Stalking in [...]

29 06, 2020

What is stalking in the 2nd degree?

2020-09-25T16:51:36+00:00June 29th, 2020||

Stalking in the 2nd Degree builds on those circumstances listed above with Stalking in the 3rd Degree.  You may be charged with Stalking in the 2nd Degree if: you commit Stalking in [...]

29 06, 2020

What is stalking in the 1st Degree?

2020-09-25T16:52:07+00:00June 29th, 2020||

Stalking in the 1st Degree can be committed in two distinct ways.  Both require that you are engaged in Stalking in the 3rd Degree, and while doing so: you intentionally or recklessly [...]

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