Can I bring a lawsuit for injuries caused by an ATV accident?

Yes, if you have been injured in an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) accident, you can bring a lawsuit for the injuries you have suffered due to the ATV operator’s negligence.

What are the legal requirements to operate an ATV in New York?

  1. Just like any other motor vehicle or motorcycle, your ATV must be registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), regardless of whether the ATV is used on public roads or private property.
  2. You are not required to have a driver’s license to operate an ATV in New York. However, you must be at least 16 years old to operate an ATV without adult supervision or a safety training course.
  3. Your ATV must be in proper working order with appropriate lighting and brakes. Both you and your passengers are required to wear protective helmets to ensure safety.
  4. Additionally, you are not allowed to operate an ATV on public land unless it is specifically designated for ATV use by a posted sign.

Liability with ATVs

  1. ATVs operated off the registered owner’s land must have insurance that includes liability coverage and proof of this insurance must be provided to law enforcement or anyone claiming injury or damage in connection to your ATV.
    • If you are involved in an ATV accident involving death, personal injury, or property damage that exceeds $600 you are required by law to notify the nearest law enforcement agency.
  2. Negligent use or operation of an ATV is attributable to the registered owner.
    • In New York, an ATV operator is liable and responsible for death, personal injury, or property damage resulting from the negligent operation of the ATV by anyone who has the owner’s permission to operate the ATV.

How do I initiate a lawsuit for my injuries from an ATV accident?

If you believe that someone else’s negligence contributed to your injuries, you may have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit.

In such cases, it is essential to consult with qualified attorneys who are experienced and specialize in personal injury law. At LaMarche Safranko Law, we will assess the details of your case, provide advise on your legal rights, and guide you through the process of seeking compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages resulting from the accident.

Call (844) 732-6837 or (844) RECOVER for a free consultation.

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