Living in the digital age provides us unparalleled convenience in obtaining goods and services online, but navigating the purchase of firearms and ammunition requires careful consideration of each state’s specific regulations. New York State, recognized for its strict gun control laws, imposes many restrictions on the sale and acquisition of ammunition, particularly online.

NYS has implemented comprehensive ammunition and firearm laws. While the purchase of ammunition is permitted, it must be done by someone with an FFL (Federal Firearms License). The FFL is required to record identifying information about the sale. They are likely to charge a fee for their part in the transaction.

In a recent development, New York State Attorney General Letitia James spearheaded an investigation into a vast network of online ammunition suppliers. These suppliers were found to be selling ammunition to New York residents without maintaining proper sales records, a blatant violation of New York’s gun legislation.

Regardless of whether the vendor operates within or outside the state, all sellers are expressly prohibited from directly supplying ammunition to New York residents through online platforms. The SAFE Act mandates that all ammunition sales occur in-person through licensed weapons dealers or registered sellers. These transactions must include thorough background checks to verify the buyer’s age, occupation, and legal residence, with detailed records of each sale meticulously maintained. Violating the stipulations of the SAFE Act could result in significant fines, reaching up to $5,000 for each offense.

While the focus of this portion of the law is on controlling the sellers directly as opposed to purchasers, it is important to know that New York continues to closely regulate firearms and ammunition, with significant penalties to those found in violation of the law.

If you are seeking to purchase ammunition online in New York State, it is imperative to be well-informed to ensure compliance with the law. Doing so ensures that ammunition is acquired legally within the state’s parameters. Should you encounter charges related to gun laws in New York State, seeking the guidance of knowledgeable criminal defense attorneys is critical. LaMarche Safranko Law offers comprehensive guidance, representation, and advocacy to help clients navigate the complexities of New York State’s gun laws and achieve the best possible legal outcomes when accused of a crime.