DWI Laws

8 02, 2018

Safranko Speaks Out On Controversial Troy Police Shooting

2020-06-24T18:01:42+00:00February 8th, 2018|DWI Laws, General News, Verdicts & Settlements|

On January 30, retired Troy Police Chief John Tedesco published an opinion piece in the Troy Record defending the Troy Police Department in general, and Sgt. Randall French in particular, regarding the April 2016 incident [...]

29 08, 2017

Second DWI in New York State

2020-06-24T17:20:13+00:00August 29th, 2017|DWI Laws, General News|

One DWI (driving while intoxicated) or DWAI (driving while ability impaired) conviction in New York state is tough enough: for DWI, a mandatory fine of $500 to $1,000, a six-month revocation of [...]

29 08, 2014

Boating Laws

2020-06-24T17:21:57+00:00August 29th, 2014|Boating, DWI Laws, General News|

This Monday is Labor Day, one of the last long weekends of the summer.  Many will be out enjoying the beautiful weather on a boat and we want to provide some important [...]

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