criminal defense

9 03, 2022

What Is A Public Defender And How Are They Different Than A Private Attorney?

2022-03-09T17:47:19+00:00March 9th, 2022|Criminal Defense|

Bad news, you’ve just been arrested.  As the friendly police officer officer gently guides you into the backseat of his police cruiser, he begins reading you those famous words that you’ve heard [...]

22 02, 2021

What Does Double Jeopardy Mean For Those Who Get A Presidential Pardon?

2021-02-22T17:20:55+00:00February 22nd, 2021|Criminal Defense|

Our Criminal Defense Lawyers Explain Double Jeopardy As President Trump left office, as is the case with many out-going presidents, he issued many pardons to various people convicted of federal crimes. One [...]

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